"Be Part of the Future! Not the Past! - Together, Let's Change Rotherham for Good!"

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Where are the Liberals in Sitwell? Absent just like in May!

Despite triggering the by-election in the Sitwell ward and issuing public denials that they had done so, Liberals seem a bit thin on the ground.
In fact they seem to be absent altogether, devoid of a campaign of any kind, this is an outrage for one of the ruling Coalition Government partners, taking the voters for fools, with an apparently absent candidate as well!

Rotherham Independents believe that you must be serious before putting your name forward to the voters for consideration and the actions, or rather inactions, speak volumes for the Liberals contemptuous attitude here!

This is a serious issue especially when latest opinion data showing that 40% of those voting Liberal in May, would not have done so, if they had known that this coalition would result!

Democracy requires that you make your appeal to the voters with you prospectus, those that don't, do not deserve proper consideration from the Sitwell voters.


Dave's View 3 - Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme - Labour Party Cynicism Exposed!

It really gets my goat when we see election leaflets from Judy Dalton promoting a campaign opposing cuts to the Schools rebuilding programme that is basically deceptive in nature.

As I see it, the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme was unnecessarily complex and far too costly and would in all probability have been cut by a similar amount in Labours own cuts proposals, if they had won a fourth term in government!

To launch a campaign against cuts that Judy Dalton's own Party, Labour has caused really takes the biscuit for such naked cynicism by 'the Party of the People' that is no such thing!

Sending out a short, loaded, questionnaire on the documents back at their own expense also seems to insult the intelligence of her potential voters it would appear?

Dave Ridgway
Independent Candidate
Sitwell Ward

My Personal Pledge to the voters of the Sitwell Ward

If you do me the honour of placing your trust in me and voting for me then I make the following pledge in return.

  • Sitwell citizens will be my Masters, Not my political Party.
  • I am an independent, free of influence by Party interest or dogma, I make decisions logically on the basis of the facts and the simple test, what is best in the circumstances?
  • I will provide New and Simple ways for you to let me know your views and to ensure my accountability to you.
  • I will uphold the finest principles of public service and work openly in being an independent voice for the residents of Sitwell ward and no one else besides.
  • I also want to give Sitwell an opportunity to influence the future. It is clear that Rotherham must make profound and long lasting changes, the people must be heard in this and I pledge to provide you with that voice!
Dave Ridgway
Independent Candidate
Sitwell Ward

Dave's View 2 - Wind Farms!

Of all the environmentally based issues, land based windfarms cause the most controversy!

Virtually all result in local determined opposition to them! Rotherham's proposals have raised many reasonable objections that have been totally ignored by the Council's Planning Board.

The views of the electorate are what should matter in a democracy! Ignored currently by the 'Old Parties', voters feel powerless to change things, no matter who they vote for, nothing ever changes!

The Rotherham Independents and I are different from the rest, because we are totally committed to serving you not the Party once elected.

I am opposed to land based wind farms on principle because they are simply too expensive, for the output achieved in practice, they also impose an unfair local burden for the host community.

My pledge to Sitwell voters is, they will be my masters not my political Party and I will do everything within the bounds of legality to reject the latest proposals and to oppose any future applications!

Dave Ridgway 
Independent Candidate Sitwell Ward

Dave's View 1 Council Cost Cutting!

Call me 'old fashioned, if you like, but I believe that being a Councillor is about public service, not to provide 'political careers' paid for at great expense by you the Tax Payer, for poorly chosen, time served Party apparatchiks that my opponents represent!

I want the councillors allowance package halved! I pledge to do everything I can to put a stop to RMBC Members greed. Halve the allowances and cut first class travel completely would do for starters!

Dave Ridgway
Independent Candidate

Battle of the Election Addresses Hots UP!

The Sitwell by-election is in full swing as the 'Old Parties' of Labour, Tory, Liberal, UKIP  and the New Rotherham Independents, slug it out on the doorstep in search of votes!

We provide the following in the interests of full democratic debate, we believe the casting of your vote is a serious business and requires information to allow informed decision at the polling booth:

Labour: leaflet 1 front, leaflet 1 back, leaflet 2 front, leaflet 2 back.

Liberals: None so far please send a .pdf or .jpg

Rotherham Independents: leaflet Number One.

Tories: leaflet 1 front, leaflet 1 back.

UKIP: leaflet 1 front, leaflet 1 back,leaflet 2 front, leaflet 2 back

Any more? please email scans as either .jpg or .pdf if you can, to Rik Van Hegan

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Number Crunching!

£1.1 Million annual cost of councillors allowances.
£11 Million saving to be made this financial year.

Don Blow - A Member Asks The Important Questions?

Where’s the Councillors’ Pain??

Rotherham Advertiser 16th July Councillor Roger Stone went to great lengths to outline the probable areas for cuts in order to conform with the Government’s Austerity Plan.

Glaringly obvious by their omission was any pain to be born by the Councillors themselves.

In spite of grossly inflated allowances and expenses compared with Sheffield and the national average not one word about what they were prepared to forego.

No cuts, not even a freeze, on allowances, expenses, pension contributions from the tax payer, jollies, first class travel the unaffected list goes on and on.

This from a Council, elected on a supposedly socialist manifesto, where is the shoulder to shoulder support for the workers?

Don Blow
Aston-cum-Aughton Independent.

We can report nothing but total silence on this important issue from the Tories, Liberals, Labour and UKIP.

Our candidate, Dave Ridgway, on the other hand, has robust and principled views on this matter.
Dave wants to see them halved! From the grotesquely greedy levels of today, where councillors share in benefits in excess of £1,1 million per year.

Rotherham Independents

Friday, 16 July 2010

Sitwell By-Election

The by-election campaign is under way, our first election leaflet is being printed and delivery will start next week.

If you would like to have a preview of Dave Ridgway's election address click here.

If anyone would like to help with Dave's campaign please contact Dave's campaign team as below:

Dave Ridgway
Independent candidate
Sitwell Ward
46 Sheep Cote Road,
S60 4DA
Phone: 01709 541445
Mobile: 07948 417 171

Rik Van Hegan
Election Agent, Dave Ridgway
68 Queen Street
S64 8NA
Phone: 01709580150
Mobile: 07878540288

Peter Thirlwall 
By-election Campaign Team Coordinator
6 Pinchwell View
S66 1FP
Phone: 01709541111
Mobile: 07747633866

Friday, 9 July 2010

Rotherham Independents - What we are about!

Rotherham Independents are totally committed to improving the way Rotherham is run and offer an alternative that is viable to the old sterile debates that go on in the Town Hall.
"We reject the current approach because it excludes or ignores the views of the most important of all. YOU!"
Our commitment to you is simple, we will represent you and will always take your views as our guide. We believe that listening to and involving the public is vital in any democracy but is sadly lacking in Rotherham. This simply has to change, we exist to do just that.
We reject prejudice and dogma, we believe that decisions must be made on the basis of robust evidence not mere political prejudice!
We have accepted as our guiding principles the Bell Principles that expand on Lord Nolan's, Seven Principles of Public Life, read them here.

We are criticised by some for having few policies, those thinking that have missed the point!
"It is the rigid adherence to policy, even when contradicted by evidence, that is the real problem!"
We are different, because we have open minds to all reasonable ideas for finding solutions to unsolved problems, we will decide on the basis of sound evidence not dogma.We believe that the people of Rotherham have a right to be involved, before, not after, decisions are made.        A very refreshing approach, we think you will agree!

"Party Politics has brought Rotherham to it's knees, we exist to provide the antidote to this failed approach and to renew peoples faith in the political process."

Sitwell Candidates Announced!

The full list of candidates for the Sitwell By-Election has been confirmed, it is as follows:

Dalton, Judy. Labour.
Middleton, Christopher Norman. Conservative.
Razaq, Abdul. Liberal Democrat.
Ridgway, David. Rotherham Independent.
Wilkinson, John. UKIP.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Sitwell By-Election Called! Mystery deepens!

The vacancy on the Council caused by the sad demise of veteran Conservative Councillor Michael Clarke was triggered by Sitwell residents, whose identity is unknown at present, but much sought after, because of the criticism of undue and disrespectful haste.

We share that opinion and deprecate this outrageous turn of events. Conservative and Labour members are rightly disgusted at this indecent haste as are we. Proper respect was due to Michael Clarke for his valiant and long record of service to Rotherham as a whole and Sitwell residents in particular. Those selfishly foreshortening this for their own political purposes will surely suffer at the ballot box on Thursday, 5th August 2010.

Fingers are being pointed in the direction of the Liberal Democrats, but it is still unclear as to who it was, as all it takes in fact is two Sitwell Ward residents to write to the Returning Officer requesting that the vacancy should be filled.

We will be announcing our candidate in the next 24 hours, when a statement will be made.

Rotherham Independents