"Be Part of the Future! Not the Past! - Together, Let's Change Rotherham for Good!"

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Rotherham Star Joins the Fray on First Class Travel!

On Friday the Rotherham Star published the following story under the headline:

First class row over council rail travel
Published Date: 12 February 2010
By Richard Marsden

CALLS for a ban on first class train travel by members of a South Yorkshire council have been rejected.
The move was proposed by independent Rotherham councillor, Peter Thirlwall, who represents Wickersley.

At a full meeting of the council, he told fellow councillors: "I would ask you all to consider your position carefully before rejecting this motion, which would be taken by the vast majority of Rotherham people as a sign you do not live in the same world as them.........To read the rest of this story CLICK HERE

On Saturday they followed this up with an opinion piece:
Opinion The Star, Saturday, February 13,2010

Think again over first class travel 

COUNCILLORS in Rotherham ought to think twice about hanging on to their policy of paying for first class travel when they have to go to London on business.
They were asked to make the economy of buying cheaper tickets in future to show voters in the town that they are aware of the stringent times in which we all try to survive.
Refusing to consider this choice, councillors will leave many residents wondering if they are aware of the problems everyday folk endure during the credit crunch.

They should think again on this issue.

We, of course, agree with the Star!
Elected Members of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council cannot continue with extravagances such as this! They cost us, last year, over £1,100,000!

They are incapable or unwilling to change. Rotherham will wait in vain for Labour or the Tories to stop their party games and run Rotherham properly.

This is why we are asking for your support for Peter Thirlwall at the General Election, and for our Independent Candidates standing throughout the whole Town at the Local Elections, on May 6th. 

Friday, 12 February 2010

Rotherham Independents - A Fresh Start for Rotherham!

If, like us you are fed up with the way that Politicians in Rotherham always ignore our opinions and the needs of ordinary people. Then get busy and change things!

A grassroots group is now building rapidly throughout the Borough that offers you the chance to do something about it now! The Rotherham Independents is that group.

We were exactly like you, complaining a lot but doing nothing serious about it, often not even bothering to vote at all because we had no faith in any of them to make a difference.

We have tired of waiting for things to improve and decided to do it ourselves! No one else will do it for us, shake off your apathy and do something about it with us!

Join us! and help us change Rotherham for good!

Find out more about us, we are sure you will like what you find and are convinced that you will want to join us in changing Rotherham from the bottom up!

To add your name to our email circulation click on this link independentsteam@googlemail.com

To contact us or join us please phone us on: 01709541111 or mobile 07747633866

To email Peter Thirlwall click on this link peter.thirlwall@talktalk.net

Correspondence Address:
Rotherham Independents
6 Pinchwell View
S66 1FP

Friday, 5 February 2010

Dr MacShane - Dr Disgrace, More Like!

The Advertiser has today lifted the lid on the extent and nature of MacShane's disreputable, dishonest and greedy attitude to spending your money.
We feel deeply embarrassed and hurt by his behaviour and now feel ashamed to come from Rotherham. This is set only to get worse as he 'wriggles on the hook' trying to refute the increasingly serious allegations about his conduct.

Peter Thirlwall's letter to MacShane raises other very serious issues. These questions must be answered, directly and openly.

MacShane has also gone missing again, raising the issue of his basic cowardice in front of his angry constituents. He has form for this! (last time he was away in Canada, wonder where he is this time?)

This is why Peter Thirlwall, our Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Rotherham, offers a distinct alternative to Labour and all the other traditional parties which have so badly let us down. 

We stand for open accountability for everything that is done in your name. Anything less than this is an affront to democracy! 

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Legg Report Out Today!

Rotherham's MPs' today found out how much trouble they are in. 
Sir Thomas Legg's Report, published by the members estimates committee says the following about Rotherham's three MPs'

Rt Hon Kevin Barron MP
Rother Valley
Mr Barron has no issues.

Mr John Healey MP
Mr Healey was overpaid by a total of £2,354.35 for mortgage interest (£460.00 in
2004-05; £359.49 in 2005-06; £447.65 in 2006-07; £639.50 in 2007-08; and
£447.72 in 2008-09).

Rt Hon Denis MacShane MP
Dr MacShane was paid cleaning costs totalling £7,354.34 (£3,000.00 in 2004-05;
£2,341.34 in 2005-06; and £2,013.00 in 2007-08). This exceeded £2,000 a year by
In September and October 2008, he was paid £153.39 for gas without providing
sufficient evidence to show that this was a cost incurred at his second home, since
the only address on the bill related to his main home.
He should also provide mortgage interest statements to support payments totalling
£6,001.34 for the period April 2004 to January 2006. I recommend that he should
be allowed until 1 March 2010 to do this. If he does not do so, then in the absence
of any special or exceptional reasons to the contrary, he should repay the whole
amount of the allowance involved.

It must be emphasised that this information only applies to their use of the Additional Costs Allowance.
It is now time for Kevin Barron and Denis MacShane to provide their constituents with at least the same disclosure as John Healey, because it is our money they have spent and appear to have been taking liberties when it comes to claiming ACA.

Peter Thirwall said, "Denis MacShane has a lot of explaining to do", and " I am sure that everyone in Rotherham will be horrified at this and I feel he should stand down now, as labours candidate, before the election, it is that serious in my view"

We are saddened and upset by the greed throughout parliament and it strengthens our resolve to work harder to give the electorate a real choice at the General and local elections to come.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Peter Thirlwall and Ben Slade Challenge Greedy Rotherham Councillors

Our Independent councillors, Peter Thirlwall and Ben Slade, are proposing the following change to Council Policy at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday February 3rd:

"At a time of severe pressures on the Council budget, this Council resolves to discontinue first class rail travel for Councillors and use the money saved to support front line services for the people of Rotherham."

Peter will be proposing and Ben will be seconding the proposal.

Rotherham Independents Campaign members are fully supportive and consider it the most reasonable thing to do when Rotherham's residents are suffering great economic hardship.

In a bi-partisan approach to fellow councillors, Peter has written individually to all Rotherham councillors asking them to consider what Rotherham's people want, just for once.

What Peter has said to them:

 "Dear Fellow Councillor,
On Wednesday at the full Council Meeting I will be proposing the following motion to bring to an end the practise of using first class travel whilst on Council business.

Motion to Council on the 3rd February 2010

"At a time of severe pressures on the Council budget, this Council resolves to discontinue first class rail travel for Councillors and use the money saved to support front line services for the people of Rotherham."

Proposed:  Councillor Peter Thirlwall
Seconded:  Councillor Ben Slade

I would ask you all to consider your position carefully before rejecting this motion, which would be taken by the vast majority of Rotherham people, a sign that you do not live in the same world as them. For just once take a decision to save some taxpayers money to help save the front line services that your constituents may rely on.

Collectively councillors in Rotherham are already amongst the most well rewarded in the country. Last year each of you received the basic allowance of £12,271. Most of you in addition have received 'special responsibility allowances' varying from a Cabinet Adviser on £1.203 to the Leader of the council on £32,544. The Special Responsibility Allowances cost the taxpayer a total of £356,150. A grand total of £1,136,767 last year in fact!

The fact that you insist on getting every last penny out of us, is nothing short of an outrage, especially when it comes at the end of a financial year when you have made swingeing cuts to essential services that the most vulnerable in our communities depended upon.

I would point out to you that these cuts are occurring now, before any of the post election belt tightening that all parties are promising to come. I do hope that you do not suggest that, even in a time of great austerity in public services, you are totally unwilling to share any of the pain? (If giving up first class travel could in any way be described as pain.)

Finally I make the plea, once again, on behalf of all in Rotherham for you to stop first class travel. 


Councillor Peter Thirlwall
Rotherham Independents

Monday, 1 February 2010

Rotherham Independent Candidates Adopt Core Principles

We have watched with increasing concern over many years at the decline in basic standards of behaviour and partisan practices both here in Rotherham and at Westminster.

The people of Rotherham have been badly let down by their politicians, who are motivated largely by their own greed and narrow party interests. Rotherham's people deserve better!

We offer a fresh approach to traditional politics, one based on the highest standards of conduct and above all to take every issue on it's merits and base decisions on evidence rather than, as now, mere political prejudice. 

We do not claim to be perfect but we solemnly give our pledge to you that we will do our very best on behalf of you all.

We reproduce below the principles we are all committed  to uphold. 

The Bell Principles build upon Lord Nolan's Principles of 1995.
We will
  • abide wholeheartedly by the spirit and letter of the Seven Principles of Public Life set out by Lord Nolan in 1995: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership
  • be guided by considered evidence, our real world experience and expertise, our constituencies and our consciences
  • be free of control of any political party, pressure group or whip
  • be non-discriminatory, ethical and committed to pluralism
  • make decisions transparently and openly at every stage and level of the political process, enabling people to see how decisions are made and the evidence on which they are based
  • listen, consulting our communities constantly and innovatively treat political opponents with courtesy and respect, challenging them when we believe they are wrong, and agreeing with them when we believe they are right
  • resist abuses of power and patronage and promote democracy at every level
  • work with other elected independents as a group with a chosen spokesperson
  • claim expenses, salaries and compensation openly so the public can judge the value for money of our activities

The Seven Principles of Public Life (Lord Nolan's 1995 Principles)
Rotherham Independents believe that the 'Seven Principles of Public Life' should apply to all in the public service. These are:
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
 Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
 Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.