If, like us you are fed up with the way that Politicians in Rotherham always ignore our opinions and the needs of ordinary people. Then get busy and change things!A grassroots group is now building rapidly throughout the Borough that offers you the chance to do something about it now! The Rotherham Independents is that group.
We were exactly like you, complaining a lot but doing nothing serious about it, often not even bothering to vote at all because we had no faith in any of them to make a difference.
We have tired of waiting for things to improve and decided to do it ourselves! No one else will do it for us, shake off your apathy and do something about it with us!
Join us! and help us change Rotherham for good!
Find out more about us, we are sure you will like what you find and are convinced that you will want to join us in changing Rotherham from the bottom up!
To add your name to our email circulation click on this link independentsteam@googlemail.com
To contact us or join us please phone us on: 01709541111 or mobile 07747633866
To email Peter Thirlwall click on this link peter.thirlwall@talktalk.net
Correspondence Address:
Rotherham Independents
6 Pinchwell View
S66 1FP