Rotherham has suffered at the hands of the politicians, especially those who are members of national political parties. They bring their inflexible dogmas to issues and they rehearse their sterile arguments in the Town Hall. This old fashioned way of working, brings no benefit whatsoever for us, Rotherham's people!One Party rule since Rotherham became a Metropolitan Borough in 1974, coupled with a catastrophic collapse in local and national membership of the Labour Party has resulted in the Labour Group thinking they own the town 'lock stock and barrel' and that Rotherham exists to keep them in the relative luxury they currently enjoy.
The Labour Group think that it does not matter that they will be fielding, probably, the least able slate of candidates in the history of RMBC.
The Labour Administration, led by Roger Stone, is basically incompetent, lacks vision and is held together by patronage, fear and old fashioned blind loyalty as well as a share in the over £1,100,000 pot to console them.
Our council has, as it always had, the reputation of being the most 'Officer led' in the country! Yet micromanagement (interference by councillors often not legally) is rife, while they are completely indifferent to their role providing political oversight which is legal and is the role they were actually elected to do.
Even, the now, 10 Tory councillors, have failed to provide anything like an effective or organised opposition and appear more interested in the General Election to come and national political arguments than improving the governance of Rotherham or the lives of it's people.
This has been a profound disappointment to many who yearn for change and thought they might get it by voting Tory.
The same truth applies as it has always has, ordinary people shouldn't trust the Tories – they forget this at their peril!