"Be Part of the Future! Not the Past! - Together, Let's Change Rotherham for Good!"

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Rotherham Independents - View on Immigration

Rotherham Independents candidates are busy campaigning for support to bring about the end to the Municipal Merry go round between the discredited old parties Labour and Tories that simply have no convincing answers to the problems ordinary people face every day.

We have listened to the voters and considered our view on the most common question we are asked on the doorstep and in the street as we go about our campaigning. The thorny topic of immigration and the resultant problems it is causing within our communities. 

We exist to provide a fresh approach to political issues that the people want a say in and are being excluded currently from influence in even though it daily affects their lives. We exist to give the 'great ignored' a voice in the future running of their Town.

Rotherham Independents - Views on Immigration

The Problem
  • The overall lack of control of the situation combined with the view that the Labour Government assumed that they would all vote Labour in elections and connived at bring in 700,000 economic migrants, in just 2 years, no wonder things are not going smoothly!
  • Most would agree that our borders should be properly controlled and be able to 'count people in and count them out' when they leave. We should be in control of who is here, the fact that we cant, worries most people, quite rightly.
  • The rights granted to EU citizens by our Government. Only 3 countries other than ourselves granted these rights to the 2004 entrants to the EU.
  • Asylum Seekers who ultimately are refused 'leave to remain'.  (often referred to as bogus in the press)                      
  • Illegal Immigration, in fact ordinary citizens will never in fact know they exist.
  • The issue of amnesty for the current illegal entrants already here.
  • The effects that the burden is perceived as being unacceptably high in both financial terms and the burden on community resources such as Schools, Housing,  Social Services and Health.
  • There is a perception that those who are recently arrived enjoy benefits denied to the host community. This perception is very divisive, it is strongly felt and far more complex than often portrayed by some disreputable political parties.
 Rotherham Independents View
  • The Government has a duty to control our borders. We will insist that this happens.
  • The Government should not have granted a general right of admission for EU citizens. We will argue against this.
  • We do need skills from abroad and many of our citizens work abroad in other countries, their rights too must be considered. We will support a proper, points based, system to replace the current, chaotic approach, to economic migration.
  • No one would wish to deny entry to those fleeing tyranny and persecution but it seems to any reasonable person to be open to abuse. We want the issue to be re-examined from basic principles, to give us a system that is understood and respected by all. We will argue for, and cooperate with those of goodwill to sort out this mess.
  • The burdens placed on our local communities are unacceptably high and residents have legitimate concerns which they want addressed.. We will argue that proper funding must be available to host communities to offset the unfair cost burden.
  • Those here illegally are queue jumpers by another name, nor do we approve of an amnesty, as that would end up rewarding them for this and be grossly unfair for all concerned. We are not in favour of an amnesty for those illegals already here.

We are convinced that it is time that the people got involved, on this as so many issues when people of 'good will' do not speak out the the racist bigots get the field to themselves and any open and honest approach is likely to be ignored in the general confrontation.

Rotherham Independents
Campaign Team