"Be Part of the Future! Not the Past! - Together, Let's Change Rotherham for Good!"

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Battle of the Election Addresses Hots UP!

The Sitwell by-election is in full swing as the 'Old Parties' of Labour, Tory, Liberal, UKIP  and the New Rotherham Independents, slug it out on the doorstep in search of votes!

We provide the following in the interests of full democratic debate, we believe the casting of your vote is a serious business and requires information to allow informed decision at the polling booth:

Labour: leaflet 1 front, leaflet 1 back, leaflet 2 front, leaflet 2 back.

Liberals: None so far please send a .pdf or .jpg

Rotherham Independents: leaflet Number One.

Tories: leaflet 1 front, leaflet 1 back.

UKIP: leaflet 1 front, leaflet 1 back,leaflet 2 front, leaflet 2 back

Any more? please email scans as either .jpg or .pdf if you can, to Rik Van Hegan