"Be Part of the Future! Not the Past! - Together, Let's Change Rotherham for Good!"

Sunday 25 July 2010

Don Blow - A Member Asks The Important Questions?

Where’s the Councillors’ Pain??

Rotherham Advertiser 16th July Councillor Roger Stone went to great lengths to outline the probable areas for cuts in order to conform with the Government’s Austerity Plan.

Glaringly obvious by their omission was any pain to be born by the Councillors themselves.

In spite of grossly inflated allowances and expenses compared with Sheffield and the national average not one word about what they were prepared to forego.

No cuts, not even a freeze, on allowances, expenses, pension contributions from the tax payer, jollies, first class travel the unaffected list goes on and on.

This from a Council, elected on a supposedly socialist manifesto, where is the shoulder to shoulder support for the workers?

Don Blow
Aston-cum-Aughton Independent.

We can report nothing but total silence on this important issue from the Tories, Liberals, Labour and UKIP.

Our candidate, Dave Ridgway, on the other hand, has robust and principled views on this matter.
Dave wants to see them halved! From the grotesquely greedy levels of today, where councillors share in benefits in excess of £1,1 million per year.

Rotherham Independents